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The General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR, or RGPD in French - is the new regulation that determines how businesses may handle customers’ computerised personal data. In accordance with the provisions of French legislation, namely Act No. 78-17 of 6th January 1978 as amended variously up to, we inform you that the personal data you provide will be computerized and treated with the utmost confidentiality. Only authorized persons may access your data and this for strictly internal purposes. You have the right to access, correct or delete information about yourself by simply contacting us at

Whatever your request, you can also contact us by one of the above biases or directly to the following coordinates:

60, Espace les Cascades - F. 26400 Mirabel et Blacons
+33 (0)4 75 25 78 78
+33 (0)4 75 25 78 79
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    Vacances à vélo en famille

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    Randonner à pied en France

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